HOD’s Desk

Department of Psychology offers M.Sc family counseling as a post graduate program. The main objective is to impart conceptual and theoretical knowledge in basic and applied areas of Family Counselling

The curriculum is framed to provide in-depth knowledge about family counselling, specially focusing on Marriage and couples counselling, Dynamics of parenting, addiction counseling, family and legal aspects and counselling for special population, so that they can identify psychological, emotional, and behavioral issues of individuals in a family and help those who are in need . Students are given exposure on various therapies with skill based training through case analysis, outbound training, field visits, internships and psychological assessments

Over the period of two years, students will have extensive understanding of a role of family counselor and equipped to apply the theoretical knowledge in to practice. This course is unique and first in its kind allover India.

M.Sc Family Counselling


The two-year post graduate programme is the oldest course offered by the department with three unique specializations – Community Development, Medical & Psychiatric Social Work and Human Resource Management – aimed at producing development managers and HR Professionals.


The one-year pre-doctoral programme is aimed at developing researchers in the field of Social Work and Allied disciplines who investigatesocial problems and disseminate research knowledge.


The three-year doctoral programme, inter-disciplinary, is aimed at developing social scientists and social work educators who are good at exploring, examining, and explaining not just the problems the society faces, and also at investigating, identifying and implementing social work interventions to improve societal well-being and human capital development.

Dr. Hannah John

Assistant Professor & Program Head



Contact Us

Dr. K. S. Sathyamurthi

Head of the Department & program Head
P.G. Department of Social Work (Aided)

Phone : 9940406590
Email : ksm@mssw.in

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