Entrepreneurship Development Cell

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) has been set up in the College with the aim of manifesting the latent entrepreneurial spirit of the young students. The Cell will organize several entrepreneurship awareness programmes, guest lectures by successful entrepreneurs, various workshops and seminars for the aspiring entrepreneurs. This Cell primarily focuses on motivating the students to pursue entrepreneurship and in sharpening entrepreneurial traits and behavior.

  • To groom the aspiring entrepreneurs into job providers instead of job seekers.
  • To promote creative thinking and innovation by organizing lectures, seminars and competitions among aspiring entrepreneurs.
  • To collaborate with entrepreneurship promotion agencies, organizations and bodies

Co-ordinator’s Desk

The Entrepreneurship development cell of MSSW aims at nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship amongst students by providing a platform for challenging minds to think differently and experience entrepreneurship through various programs, seminars and workshops.


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Dr. Hannah John

Assistant Professor
Department of M.Sc Psychology

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