Educational Qualification
2006 - 2009
Ph.D in Social Work (Full Time)
Tamil University, Thanjavur. Viva Voce-Aug 31, 2009
2003 - 2005
M.S.W (Got University Rank -16th )
77.5%, Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur.
2000 - 2003
67%, T.U.K Arts College, Karanrthai, Thanjavur.
Job Experiences
Jun 2012 – Till date
Working as Asst. Professor
Madras School of Social work, Chennai
Jun 2009- May 2012
Worked as Asst. Professor
Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur.
Aug 2007 – June 2008
Worked as Field Investigator – Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi – Research Project
A study on Consumer Awareness among Arts and Science Colleg students in Thanjavur District.

Seminars, Conferences & Workshops
- Organized Parade during Independence Day celebration on august 15th 2012.
- Organized Programme for NSS Day Celebration on Sep 24th 2012. On that day NSS volunteers donated uniform cloth and nuts for the needy people.
- Organized NSS and RRC Orientation programme on Aug 24th 2012.
- Organized Parade during Republic Day Celebration on Jan 26th 2013.
- Organized NSS and RRC Orientation Programme on 19th July 2013.
- Organized Awareness Programme about Kidney Diseases in collaboration with TANKER Foundation on 22nd June 2013.
- Organized Awareness Programme on Diabetes in collaboration with Diabetics Research Foundation on 24th June 2013.
- Organized NSS and RRC Orientation Programme on 1st July 2013.
- Organized Parade during Independence Day celebration on August 15th 2013.
- Organized Interactive Training Session with Ms. JEEVA, Director, Transgender Rights Association, Chennai and Ms. Barani, Counsellor of ART Centre on 6th Dec 2013.
- Organized Exposure Visit to ART Centre of Institute of Child Health and Research Center 13th Dec 2013.
- Organized Parade during Republic Day celebration on Jan 26th 2014.
- Organized parade during Independence Day celebration on 15th August 2014.
- Organized NSS and RRC orientation programme on 1st Sep 2014.
- Organized Blood donation Camp and Donated 50 units of blood to blood bank, Institute of Child Health & Hospital for Children, Egmore on 24th November 2014.
- Organized the “Youth Conclave” on life skills, soft skills & employability skills in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development under its youth-led development outreach programme(YDP) in higher educational institutions in consonance with the national youth policy 2014 at Madras School of Social Work, Egmore from 29th to 31st Jan 2015.
- Organized the training Programme on Theatre for Transformation conducted by Alternate Media Centre on 10th to 12th Jan 2017.
- Organized Breast cancer awareness program for faculties was conducted by women’s cell on 11/08/2017.
- Organized Women’s day program by WOMEN’S CELL, MSSW on 10.03.2017.
- Organized Five days orientation Programme on Intergenerational bonding for school students in Chennai on 11th to 15th March 2020.
- Organized an Objective type written competition for the female students by Women’s cell of Madras School of Social Work & National Commission for Women, New Delhi on 23/10/2017.
- Served as Resource Person for “Youth Conclave” on life skills, soft skills & employability skills in collaboration with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development under its youth-led development outreach programme (YDP) in higher educational institutions in consonance with the national youth policy 2014 at Madras School of Social Work, Egmore from 29th to 31st Jan 2015..
- Served as Resource Person for the 3 days State Level Training of Trainers (TOT) for Family Counselors on Effective Counseling from 21st Feb to 23rd Feb 2017 at Madras School of Social Work..
- Served as Resource Person for Five days orientation Programme on Intergenerational bonding for school students in Chennai on 11th to 15th March 2020. (Topic : Psychological Care for elderly).
- Presented a Paper on “An opinion study among the PG Students of Tamil University” in National seminar conducted by Dept. of Social Sciences, Tamil University, Thanjavur on 20.3.2007.
- Presented a paper on “Karpithalil Puthiya Uthikalin Thevai” in World Science Conference conducted by Dept of Scientific Tamil on 30.5.2007
- Presented on paper on “Mahalir Andrum, Indrum” in International Women’s day celebration in Tamil University.
- Participated in 3 days Training Programme on Environment protection conducted by AICUF, Trichy during 2003.
- Participated in 15 days Training Programme on Folklore Event conducted by UDHAYAM social service society, Trichy during 2004.
- Participated in 2 days Training Programme on Personality Development conducted by ICFAI University, Thanjavur during 2004.
- Presented a paper in Role of Service Clubs for Environmental Protection in Thanjavur with special reference to the lions club of Thanjavur in the National Seminar on Environment & Society held on 30-31 March, 2006 at Bharathidasan University, Trichy.
- Participated in “Buildings relationship for Sustainability” in the 17thSouth Asian Fundraising Workshop Conducted by SAFRG, Agra during 5th to 7th September 2006.
- Participated in “Udal Nalam & Makkal Thogaiyai Kattupaduthuthal” National seminar conducted by Dept. of Social Sciences, Tamil University, Thanjavur on 13.2.07.
- Participated in three days Workshop on “Application of Quantitative techniques in Social Science Research” National seminar conducted by Periyar University, Salem held from 15th to 17th Oct 2008.
- Participated in “Sensitizing Values & Women Rights for human development” a National Seminar conducted by Cauvery College, Trichy held from 9th to 10th July 2010.
- Participate in NSS Orientation Course conducted by Empanelled Training Institution, Madras School of Social Work from 25th July 2012 to 31st July 2012.
- Participated 3-day seminar on Peace Principle on the theme, “Ideal Life, Ideal Family & World Peace” held from 14, 15, 16th December 2012.
- Participated in Intercollegiate workshop on Right to Information Act 2005 Organized by Queen Mary’s College on 19th Feb 2013.
- Participated in TARUNI 2013 – student’s initiative project – sexual abuse of young women by Madras School of Social Work on 28th September 2013.
- Participated in Rally against domestic violence against women organized by Women’s Collective on 11th Nov 2013.
- Participated in Programme Organized by YRG Care on World Aids Day 1st Dec 2013.
- Participated in Celebrating Life Programme Organized by TANSACS and IAPA on20th Dec 2013.
- Participated in Inter-Faith Harmony Programme Organized by University of Madras on 4th Feb 2014.
- Participated in PRESIDENSS 2014 programme organized by Patrician College on 15th Feb 2014.
- Participated in Campaign against spitting and smoking in public places organized by SEERS on 13th to 15th Feb 2014.
- Participated in Traffic Regulations during Convocation and College Day of Madras School of Social Work on 29thMarch 2014.
- Participated in 24-hours Famine Programme by World Vision India on 5th& 6th September 2014.
- Participated in Cleaning Campaign 2014 in Egmore Railway Station on 2nd Oct 2014.
- Participated in One Day Zonal Level Orientation Programme for YRC Programme Officers Sponsored by Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu Branch conducted at University of Madras, Chennai on 24th December 2014.
- Participated in the National Conference on Adolescence Health 2015 sponsored by University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi on 23rd and 24th Jan 2015 by Dept. of Social Work (Aided), Chennai.
- Participated in World Aids Day 2015 “Getting to ZERO” Bike rally organized by Indian Community Welfare Organisation (ICWO), Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS), and Madras School of Social Work & Rotary Club of Chennai on 30th November 2015.
- Participated in World Population Day – 2016 organized by U.G. Dept. of Social Work (BSW) of Madras School of Social Work on 11th July 2016.
- Participated in Training Programme on Behavioural Analysis in Children with special needs conducted by Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children on 3rd August 2017 at Madhuram Narayanan Centre for Exceptional Children under the auspices of Office of the state commissioner for differently able, Government of India, Tamil Nadu, Chennai.
- Participated in the webinar on national level Faculty Development Programme on Digital Entrepreneurship and Investment organised by Bon Secours College for women, Thanjavur from 29th May 2020 to 2nd June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on importance of AQAR in the NAAC process organized by IQAC of Thiyagarajar school of Management, Madurai on 23rd June 2020.
- Participated in two days webinar entitled Covid-19: Challenges and implications for senior citizens care organized by Bharthidasan University – Heritage Centre for Gerontology, Dept. of Social Work, Bharathidasan University held on 2nd and 3rd June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Can India Leverage fall in Chinese economy as a result of Covid -19 situation & US – China Trade organized by Chhatrapathi Shahu Institute Of Business Education & Research (CSIBER), Kolhapur, Social Outreach Institute Of Dept. Of Management And Dept. Of Social Work on 27th May 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Preparing Competitive Research Proposals For Funding organized by St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education & Research, Avadi from 26th to 28th May 2020.
- Participated in webinar on Emerging Trends in the Crime against Women and Children Amidst Covid-19 organised by Dept. of Social Work, Bishop Heber College, Trichy and International Justice Mission on 8th June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Emotional Intelligence and Role of Technology in Managing Crisis organized by Dept. of Computer Science & Dept. of Social Work, Chhatrapathi Shahu Institute of Business Education & Research (CSIBER), Kolhapur on 21st May 2020.
- Participated in one day International Webinar on Family Resilience during Covid-19 Pandamic organized by DK School of Social Work and Dept. of Computer Studies Chhatrapathi Shahu Institute Of Business Education & Research (CSIBER), Kolhapur held on 27th May 2020
- Participated in an online Faculty Development Programme on Redefining Education through Gamification organized by the Quality Assurance Cell & Centre for Faculty Development, Geetha Jeevan Arts & Science College, Kurukkuslai, Tuticorin on 19th May 2020.
- Participated on two day online Faculty Development Programme on Project proposals for funding Agencies (UGC Stride & ICSSR, IMPRESS) Preparation and Submission protocol organized by Patrician college Research Committee on 16th &17th May 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Social work Practice in Correctional settings organized by the Dept. of Social work, Bishop Heber College, Trichy on 23rd June 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Social Work Profession and Covid-19 Challenges and way forward organized by the Dept. of Social Work, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur & Dept. of Social Work, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore in association with Tamil Nadu Professional Social Workers Forum (TNPSWF) on 21st May 2020.
- Participated in webinar an International Panel Discussion on Social work – Field Work Practicum during pandemic: Challenges & opportunities organized by Board of Studies (SW), Madras School of Social Work on 17th July 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Community Engagement, Institutional Social Responsibility and Social work Profession in Higher Education: Emerging opportunities and prospects organized by IQAC, Vivek College of Education, BIJNOR on 22nw July 2020.
- Participated in the virtual International interdisciplinary conference on digital Learning and divide in Educational Edifice: Covid-19 Pandemic organized by Division of Social Sciences and Languages, School of Advanced Science held at VIT, Chennai on 16th & 17th July 2020.
- Participated in an International webinar on Advocacy Leadership for Positive Ageing organized by the Bharthidasan University – Heritage Centre for Gerontology, Dept. of Social Work, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, in collaboration with Pass it on Network held on 23rd & 24th July 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Approaches and Challenges for Person with Disability (PWD) during pandemic: Perspective of professional Social Workers organized by the All India Association of Medical Social Work Professionals (AIAMSWD) held on 25th July 2020.
- Participated in the webinar on Global Trends in Mental Health organized by Dept. of Social Work, Madras Christian College, India in collaboration with the Common Wealth Organization for Social Work, Geneva from 27th to 29th July 2020.

- A study on level of adjustment among the Juvenile Delinquents in Thanjavur Observation Home, Thanjavur. Published by Allied Publishers, Delhi 2009. Page No:214-219 (ISBN: 978-81-8424-446-5))
- A study on self–esteem among the hearing impaired children in special school, Thanjavur. Published by Allied Publishers, Delhi 2010. Dt. Dec, 11-12, 2010. Page No: 351- 361 (ISBN : 978-93-80767-03-1)
- Stress and Self-esteem among Higher Secondary students in Thanjavur District. Published by Allied Publishers, Delhi 2012. Dt. Mar, 2-3, 2012. Page No: 45-50 (ISBN : 978-81-8424-757-2)
- Level of Family Adjustment among women nurses of Vijay Poly Clinic, Kumbakonam – A psychological study. Published by Allied Publishers, Delhi 2012. Dt. Mar. 2-3, 2012. Page No: 81-85 (ISBN : 978-81-8424-757-2)
- Job Satisfaction of Staff Nurses in Govt. Hospitals – A Socio-Psychological study in Thanjavur. Published by Allied Publishers, Delhi 2012. Dt. Mar, 2-3, 2012. Page No: 45-50 (ISBN : 978-81-8424-757-2)
- Socio – Economic Study with reference to Pulicat Village. Published by International Research Journal of Business Management (IRJBM). Volume No – IX March - 2016 Issue – 3 Page 13. © Global Wisdom Research Publications. (ISSN: 2322 – 083X) (UGC approved Journal)
- A study on psychological problems of psychiatric patients’ Caregivers. Published by (IJSSR). Paper ID ART20175492. Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017, ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 (UGC Approved Journal)

P.G. Level
- Introduction to Social Work Profession
- Social Case Work
- Social Group Work
- Psychology for Social Work Practice
- Human Rights and Social Legislation
- Social Work with persons with disabilities
- Mental Health
- Counseling and Guidance
- Psychiatric Social Work
- Social Work Research and Statistics
U.G. Level
- Introduction to Social Work
- Human Growth and Development
- Social Work Profession
- Fields of Social Work
- Psychology
- Stress Management
- Disability
- Environmental Studies
- Social Work Research and Statistics
- Value Education
- Dimensions of Health
- Social Welfare Administration
- Human Rights