Assistant Professor

Department : Psychologhy (SF)
Phone No : 8939617115
Email :

Educational Qualification


MPHIL (Sports Psychology and Sociology)

TNPESU, Chennai.


M.S.C (Psychology)

University of Madras, IDE, Chennai


MPHIL (Exercise Physiology and Nutrition)

TNPESU, Chennai.


M.S.C (Fitness, Exercise Rehabilitation, Nutrition)

YMCA, Chennai


M.A (Sociology)

Univesity of madras, IDE, Chennai


B.A. (Corporate Secretaryship)

D.G.Vaishnav College, Chennai

Work Experience

Feb 2016-Till date

Working as Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychology


Seminars, Conferences & Workshops

  • Presented paper on behavior inhibition and perceived stress at the international conference organized by Amity university, Rajasthan
  • Participated in the national seminar on psychology of gender: Bridging the Gaps at the MGR college of arts and science, Chennai
  • Participated in the International conference on Life skills organized by S.M Joshi college, Hadapsar, Pune
  • Presented a paper on Self concept and Self esteem at the international conference on Emerging trends in youth development organized by Sacred heart college, Thriupattur
  • Participated in the International conference on psychological support services for youth and adolescents organized by SIET college for women, Chennai
  • Participated in the international conference- New Frontiers in Sanskrit and Indic Knowledge (NFSI 2019), 3 Day programme from December 16 - 18, 2019 at Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV), kerala.
  • Deputed as psychologist to serve as the panel member in the interview board of TCIL (Tele communications India limited, Chennai division for the days 23rd to 25th of January 2019.
  • Participated in the international Seminar on Creative arts and workshop on MDT(Movement and dance therapy) and Drama Therapy organized by the Women’s Christian college, Chennai on the 29th and 30th of February, 2019
  • Presented paper on behaviour inhibition and perceived stress at the international conference organised by Amity university, Rajasthan(Feb 2 – 4, 2018)
  • Participated in the national seminar on psychology of gender: Bridging the Gaps at the MGR college of arts and science, Chennai(5th and 6th Dec, 2017)
  • Attended the two day workshop on Behaviour modification held on march 3rd, 2017 organised by Department of Counselling psychology, MSSW
  • Participated in the International conference on Life skills organised by S.M Joshi college, Hadapsar, Pune( 3rd – 5th Fen, 2017)
  • Presented a paper on Self concept and Self esteem at the international conference on Emerging trends in youth development organised by Sacred heart college, Thriupattur(20th and 21st Jan, 2017)
  • Particpated in the International conference on psychological support services for youth and adolescents organised by SIET college for women, Chennai(4th and 5th Oct, 2012)


  • Attitude towards Online Classes among College Students, Joel Christy Raphael and Sangeeth Gopinath - INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY & EDUCATION (IJPE)

Subjects Taught

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